openxc-gps options and arguments

openxc-gps is a command-line tool to convert a raw OpenXC data stream that includes GPS information (namely latitude and longitude) into one of a few popular formats for GPS traces. The output file is printed to stdout, so the output must be redirected to save it to a file.

The only format currently supported is .gpx, which can be imported by Google Earth, the Google Maps API and many other popular tools.

Basic use

Convert a previously recorded OpenXC JSON trace file to GPX:

$ openxc-gps --trace trace.json > trace.gpx

Convert a real-time stream from a USB vehicle interface to GPX in real-time (using all defaults, and printing to stdout):

$ openxc-gps

Command-line options

A quick overview of all possible command line options can be found via --help.

--format <format>

Selected the desired outupt format. Currently only “gpx” is supported, so this is the default choice.

Common interface options

These command-line options are common to all of the tools that connect to a CAN translator.


Use a vehicle interface connected via USB as the data source. USB is the default data source. This option is mutually exclusive with --serial and --trace.


Use a vehicle interface connected via a USB-to-serial adapter as the data source. This option is mutually exclusive with --usb and --trace.

--trace <tracefile>

Use a previously recorded OpenXC trace file as the data source. This option is mutually exclusive with --usb and --serial.

--usb-vendor <vendor_id>

Specify the USB vendor ID of the attached vehicle interface to use. Defaults to the Ford Motor Company vendor ID, 0x1bc4.

If the data source is not set to USB, this option has no effect.

--serial-port <port>

Specify the path to the virtual COM port of the vehicle interface. Defaults to /dev/ttyUSB0.

If the data source is not set to serial, this option has no effect.

--serial-baudrate <baudrate>

Specify the baudrate to use with the serial-based vehicle interface. Defaults to 115200.

If the data source is not set to serial, this option has no effect.