openxc-trace-split options and arguments

openxc-trace-split is a command-line tool to re-split a collection of previously recorded OpenXC trace files by different units of time.

Often, trace files are recorded into arbitrarily sized chunks, e.g. a new trace file every hour. The trace files are often most useful if grouped into more logical chunks e.g. one “trip” in the vehicle.

This tool accepts a list of JSON trace files as arguments, reads them into memory and sorts by time, then re-splits the file into new output files based on the requested split unit. The unit is “trips” by default, which looks for gaps of 5 minutes or more in the trace files to demarcate the trips.

The output files are named based on the timestamp of the first record recorded in the segment.

Basic use

Re-combine two trace files and re-split by trip (the default split unit) instead of the original day splits:

$ openxc-trace-split monday.json tuesday.json

Re-combine two trace files and re-split by hour instead of the original day splits:

$ openxc-trace-split --split hour monday.json tuesday.json

Re-split an entire directory of JSON files by trip

$ openxc-trace-split *.json

Command-line options

A quick overview of all possible command line options can be found via --help.

-s, --split <unit>

Change the time unit used to split trace files - choices are day, hour and trip. The default unit is trip, which looks for large gaps of time in the trace files where no data was recorded.